For a document titled Procrastination I am going to start with writing about worry which may seem an odd thing to do AND procrastination is based on an emotion of worry about something and fear about something.
They are indelibly linked
Worry is a state of mind based upon fear and it works slowly but persistently it can be insidious and subtle until it paralyses the reasoning facility which can destroy self-confidence and initiative
Worry is a form of sustained and future focused fear which is caused by lack of knowledge about the future and causes indecision and it can be controlled and managed. Worry is a learned behaviour as is indecision therefore if it is learnt it can be unlearnt.
Worry creates an unsettled mind, and an unsettled mind creates indecision, many individuals lack will power to reach a decision and then to stand by it – it truly is not an unusual occurrence
By reaching a decision, no result which life has to offer, is worth the price of worry and indecision. When worry is released, it unleashes so much power it is truly, truly magical.
With the decision peace of mind and calmness of thought are available which increases happiness, other emotions and ultimately outcomes
Please remember worry is a forward focussed emotion based on not knowing the future, it is based on what may happen in the negative rather than forecasting a positive future
A lesser word for worry is concern, which by default sounds less harmful. Now concern with appropriate due diligence is fine. It is part of our natural process
A person whose mind is fearful has the potential to not only destroy their own opportunities of intelligent action but also to transmit those destructive emotional vibrations to the minds of those who encounter them which can also destroy their opportunities and state of mind.
Emotional contagion is a true phenomenon that is not to underestimated and as much as we contage others they contage us – fear and worry can be catching and without conscious awareness can be an insidious and slow-moving state creating lack of progression
We are more attune to some than others and the longer we spend in individuals’ company the greater the impact they will have on us.
Our thoughts lead to our very actions and if our thoughts are negative so will our actions be.
Now of course doing nothing can be negative and in some instances, it is exactly the right thing to do – nothing therefore becomes a positive action.
The reality is understanding the belief, the value, the thought behind the action is it a worry, holding back, negative thought or a reasoned, thought through positive action free of worry and full of rational evidenced based information.
So how does this lead to procrastination? Procrastination is the habit of putting off until tomorrow that which should have been done or could have been done yesterday, the day before, last week, last month, last year. The one thing that is for sure is that when the time has passed we never ever get it back
Procrastination is very closely related to caution, doubt and worry
Procrastination also links into a fear of loss
- Loss of love
- Loss of freedom
- Loss of wealth
- Loss of position
- Loss of perfection
- Loss of …….. (fill in the blank)
Procrastination is a series of decisions of not making a decision on a subject that will lead to change.
In truth procrastination keeps you stationary and with an ever-evolving world ultimately creates a backward movement.
It can be caused by a lack of self-confidence, a lack of purpose, a lack of initiative enthusiasm, ambition and sound reasoning ability.
Procrastination can be compounded with ill health both physical and mental and will be escalated when people are experiencing stress.
Putting procrastination to bed
- Stop worrying – I know that is easy to write & harder to do, worry is a learnt emotion therefore can be unlearnt
- Work out what the fear of loss is linked to
- Create a gain for the change a positive reason and outcome
- Gather relevant information to make sound decisions
- Learn how to make decisions, there is a process to follow
- Catch the inner voice and change the negative words it will be using
- Learn about the ‘thing’ that you are procrastinating on (not to the point of analysis to paralysis)
- Look for people who are already doing the ‘thing’
- Do not compare yourself to those doing the ‘thing’, let them inspire you
- List your achievements and recognise your skills – builds confidence
- Celebrate your previous and current successes in any walk of life – builds confidence
- Be aware of emotional contagion from others
- Be aware of your own emotional contagion to self (and others)
- Prompt and firm decision to follow a definite route of action
- Have a purpose, linked to personal values
- Create a strategy, and goals
- Have an accountability ‘person’ who you truly respect
- Commit to self to do and be more
I could add more to the list and this is a great start
Everything has more than one perspective and how we view the world and the thing that we are procrastinating about will affect our results
The following image clearly indicates how one word that for many will have a negative interpretation can have so many more